3HRSeRyuOszxjkLmTmzJ7drN2lGVAgDN Monte Schulz Opening Night Keynote: Santa Barbara Writers Conference - Mystic Ink Publishing Voices of the Masters Series - 2023 - Mystic Ink, Publisher of Spiritual, Shamanic, Transcendent Works, and Phantastic Fiction

Episode 49

Published on:

18th Jul 2023

Monte Schulz Opening Night Keynote: Santa Barbara Writers Conference - Mystic Ink Publishing Voices of the Masters Series - 2023

Listen to Monte Schulz's Santa Barbara Writers Conferece opening night keynote talk on June 18th 2023 discussing Metropolis, his sixth novel which is a dystopian narrative of love in a time of war and moral disintegration.

Regency College senior Julian Brehm’s uneventful student life is derailed when he falls for Nina Rinaldi, a beautiful young revolutionary engaged in political activism against the authoritarian regime that rules the country and wages a deceitful, distracting war. Julian's love for ― and moral alliance to ― Nina eventually leads him into a vast undercity beneath the metropolis. Then, east by train and into the war zone itself, where mortal danger in that expanding cemetery of millions threatens Julian’s life; what he witnesses will alter how he perceives the Republic and ultimately his fate within it.

Julian’s adventure can be seen as our own, a world of vacillating morality and unceasing violence. Apathy and passion. Fear and courage of purpose. Julian’s is a hero’s journey into the dark unknown. A love story, which extends in many directions. A war novel of incredible scope and horror. A suspenseful mystery novel with a moral puzzle at its core. And a coming-of-age tale of a young man seeing the world he was born into, more dangerous and more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. Metropolis is a meditation on the meaning of virtue and goodness in the face of the most monstrous crimes. It could just as easily be the story of us.

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About the Podcast

Mystic Ink, Publisher of Spiritual, Shamanic, Transcendent Works, and Phantastic Fiction
Works of a spiritual, shamanic, new age, or transcendent nature as well as dramatic works of Phantastic Fiction © in the paranormal genres of magical realism, horror, supernatural thrillers, and science fiction.
Mystic Ink Publishing is an independent publisher focusing on works of a spiritual, shamanic, new age, or transcendent nature as well as dramatic works of Phantastic Fiction © in the paranormal genres of magical realism, horror, supernatural thrillers, and science fiction.